190 – Chasewater Railway Museum Bits and Pieces

A reminder: The Museum will not be open on June 23rd 2024

‘Nuttall’ 0-6-0 ST Hunslet 1685-1931 Ex Mowlem 1948 Cannock Wood

190 – Chasewater Railway Museum Bits and Pieces

 From Chasewater News – Summer 1996 – Part 1


So far this year the weather has been kind to us, with the exception of the Spring Bank Holiday, and unlike 1995 this has been reflected in the ticket receipts so far received.  The number of passengers carried for the first two months of the season is significantly up on the same period last year.  This has also had a knock-on effect within the catering and shop sales areas.  It is welcome that our core business is starting the season off so well.  If the trend and the weather keep up then the Railway should be back in profit by the second half of the running season.

Plans are also in hand for the further acquisition of track that should take the Railway to the end of its current lease if not further.  There is no doubt that the Railway is enjoying a higher profile with the general public and railway fraternity.  This has been dramatically shown by the speed of membership renewals and the number of new members joining since January.  Also it is welcoming to see a number of old members whose membership has lapsed taking a renewed interest in the Railway.  I would like to welcome all the new members who have joined this year and I hope that you will feel at home at Chasewater.

Loco No.8 at West Cannock – With kind permission geoffspages.co.uk

The Railway has had fewer instances of trespass over the past few years than used to be the case, and when it has occurred it has taken the form of a nuisance value rather than really serious damage, even though the damage caused has been b—– aggravating and has wasted our time in clearing up afterwards. However we look at the results of a break-in, the security of the site is still going to be a major headache.  Do we spend a large amount of cash (which we haven’t got) in re-fencing the compounds, only to have it demolished within a few years by the BNRR (M6 Toll), or do we try to make do and mend until the BNRR issue is finally resolved.  The dilemma is not an easy one.  So far this year apart from a number of coach windows broken, and one raid into the buffet, the vandalism and theft is nothing compared with the break-in to the shed several years ago.

After the AGM, which was held in much more comfortable surroundings than in past years, a pub, the following people were elected:

David Bathurst                        Chairman

Steve Organ                           General Manager

Chris Chivers                         Financial Controller

Bob Duffill                              Commercial Manager

Andy Clegg                            Company Secretary

Arthur Edwards                      Director

Dave Ives                               Director

As Arthur is the new member to the Board I can only wish him the best and hope he doesn’t get as much grey hair as I’ve got!

Chasewater News is edited by Chris Chivers.

Loco Shed News

This year seems bedevilled by problems in trying to get steam traction out in traffic.  The first problem was duff coal, a test batch was sent to us and then a further 10 tons was sent in replacement for the original 10 ton delivery.  After spending an afternoon shovelling it out of the mineral wagon to send back I am still trying to get some feeling back into my legs.  The new batch of coal, yet again British, as no Russian is available, has proved more volatile therefore freer steaming, but the problem of clinkering still remains.  The diesel department has received yet another locomotive courtesy of Mr. A Clegg and this is stabled on 2-road in the top compound.

Steam Locomotives

No.4 Asbestos

The Boiler Inspector has seen Asbestos and subject to a small amount of welding around the bottom of the firebox along with the replacement of several tubes all looks well.  If the Inspector gives it the all-clear after the steam test, Asbestos should be back in traffic by the time this mag is published.

No.5 Sentinel

Sentinel in original livery – 1

After several steamings the Sentinel suffered from a broken drive chain.  This has been a blow to Nigel Canning after putting so much work over the past two years into the Sentinel’s overhaul.  Apart from the broken drive chain the crank case and drive sprocket has suffered some damage and the full extent of the damage is still being assessed.  Members of the loco department are looking into finding replacement links for the chain so therefore salvaging as much of the original chain as possible.

Sentinel in original livery-2

No.11 Alfred Paget

Work on Alfred Paget is continuing at a pace.  Since the spring mag all the tubes have been removed and the saddle tank has also been moved onto the platform, along with the boiler cladding, cab and bunkers.  This has allowed the boiler to be partially lifted out of the frames so that the stays can be checked.  Along with the rotten smokebox being removed the boiler has been cleaned internally and externally.  It has been decided that the work on restoring Alfred Paget will be funded separately and any offers of help and/or donations can be made to Paul Whittaker whose wife Janet is acting as treasurer for the Alfred Paget Fund.


Tony Sale has now completed replacing the slide bars on S100 ready to re-install the cross-heads.  This has included the manufacture of new slide bar shims so that they can be lined up correctly with the pistons.  The framed should be receiving a final coat of paint along with the wheels before the bearings are checked so that the wheels can be put back into place.


This locomotive is still stabled on the end of one-road and is still awaiting attention from Mike Wood as to its long term future.  This locomotive provided the Railway with some sterling service before its boiler ticket ran out and it would be useful to see it back into traffic sometime in the future.


This has received a second coat of paint courtesy of Dave Borthwick and the Railway must think of the long term future for this engine, considering the repairs needed to the boiler.

Diesel Locomotives

Fowler diesel hydraulic No.422015

The Fowler is still running even though there are signs of water leaking into the sump.  The overall work that the loco is carrying out is being kept to a minimum while the problem is being traced.

L&Y No.1

The body of No.1 has now been lifted out of the bay platform and has been prepared ready for needle gunning.  One set of buffers and draw gear have been removed and are in the shed after being cleaned and painted.  The brake gear and sand boxes have been removed as well as the wheels.  A new set of spoked wheels are due to replace the current solid wheels so bringing No.1 back to its original condition.  The gear box has now been stripped down and is undergoing repairs before being installed.  The engine has now had the clutch mechanism attached and only awaits a few minor parts before being completed.


Work is still continuing on the restoration of No.21 and is only subject to the time available from Jonathan Clegg & Co.


Ken Dyde with the DMU at the new Lakeside Station

The bar is now all but completed and the broken windows were re[laced within 24 hours by Ken Dyde & Co.  A number of additional spares have been purchased from Tyseley depot, including a replacement engine if required.

Ruston Hornsby DM48

This has recently arrived on site and a few basic jobs have been carried out to tidy up its appearance while an engine head and other spares are located.

Peckett ‘Teddy’ giving brake van rides, Easter Sunday, 05-04-2024 from behind the Heritage Centre at Chasewater Railway.

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